Fields marked with an * are required
Parent Name
Parent's First Name
Parent's Last Name
Student Name
Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Parent Mobile Phone
Parent Email
What grade level is your child at?
What grade are you applying for?
Which entry year do you want to apply for?
September 2025
September 2026
September 2027 or later
Which do you want to apply to?
Elementary or Middle School
High School
University or College
Student's Current City & School (and country if applicable)
What Type Of Schools Are You Considering?
Boarding Schools in Canada or USA
Private Day Schools in Canada
Universities or Colleges in Canada
On-line Schools in Canada
Public Schools in Canada
Homestay programs in Canada
Language Schools in Canada
What is the Student's Status in Canada?
If "Other" please specify:
Does your child have any of the following conditions?
Needs a more challenging academic program
Gifted / Twice Exceptional
Has special needs (such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, etc.)
Troubled teen
Other / None of the above
If "Other" please specify:
How can we help?
Are you willing to work with an Educational Consultant? (School Application Fees start from $2,500 CAD. Flexible packages based on students' needs. Hourly Consulting is also available.)
How did you hear about us?
Referred by another parent/student
Referred by another company
Heard you speak
If "Other" please specify: